Section: New Software and Platforms


Participant : Paul Feautrier.

The aim of the simple library is to simplify Boolean formulas on affine inequalities. It works by detecting redundant inequalities in the representation of the subject formula as an ordered binary decision diagram (OBDD), see details in  [23] . It uses PIP (see Section  5.2 ) for testing the feasibility – or unfeasibility – of a conjunction of affine inequalities.

The library is written in Java and is presented as a collection of class files. For experimentation, several front-ends have been written. They differ mainly in their input syntax, among which are a C like syntax, the Mathematica and SMTLib syntaxes, and an ad hoc Quast (quasi-affine syntax tree) syntax. See the first results at http://compsys-tools.ens-lyon.fr/stop .